Friday, September 10, 2010

Herpes and Health

Virus HSV 1 and HSV 2 herpes virus that causes cold sores is of two types - HSV 1 and HSV 2. In most cases HSV 1 is the cause. HSV 1 usually causes oral herpes and HSV 2 causes genital herpes, but not necessarily, both can infect any area of the body. Because viruses are contagious, cold sores can be caused by short contact such as hugging and kissing with an infected person. It can be spread among young children playing with an infected child.

Maybe a person has recovered from a cold sore and the symptoms are not visible, but its saliva may still contain the virus. Recurrence of herpes labi Some triggers like pregnancy, injuries to the lips or gums, dental treatment, stress, hormonal changes, etc. can cause cold sores from recurring. Use ice Ice is a very good home remedy for cold sores. Rub ice on the affected skin for a few minutes, repeat every hour.

Use a tea bag Apply a tea bag for a few minutes on the blisters, repeat this every hour. You can also consider pressing a warm tea bag on the blisters for approximately 30 minutes. Other Remedies Applying Witch Hazel on sores will give you some relief. Dip your index finger dipped in salt powder and press the blister for 30 seconds using this index finger. Gently rub gel or aloe vera oil blisters. The lemon balm extract helps to reduce symptoms and speeds healing. Those with weak immune systems take longer to recover and can suffer more serious consequences. Cold Sores Diet Avoid acidic and salty. Foods such as chocolate, peanuts, grains, beans, seeds, oatmeal and whole wheat are high in arginine, therefore they should be restricted. Avoid tea and coffee. Eat a diet rich in vitamins. Your diet should include vitamin A, C and E. Zinc and iron are also necessary. Include garlic in your diet. Eat fresh foods high in antioxidants and complex carbohydrates. Avoid processed food. Eat lots of fruits and green leafy vegetables. Other suggestions for herpes labial Always wash your hands after touching your fingers or genitals. Always avoid direct contact with blisters due to cold sores. Apply sunscreen on exposed areas. Do not share personal belongings such as a toothbrush with an infected person.

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