Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Food Survey

In some cases the specialist may be the food survey which aims to: a) evaluate the use of food b) To evaluate energy intake c) To determine the dietary intake of nutrients and pharmacological d) Assess the food sources of energy and nutrients e) Explore knowledge and attitudes regarding food and nutrition f) Relationship between dietary habits and lifestyle risk factors General Tips: See a specialist for advice Perform five meals a day Plan in advance what is going to eat ( especially at parties) Preparing meals when not hungry Shopping for a closed list Establish a schedule for sitting and eating meals without rushing Use small plates Chew slowly Do not eat two things at once Drinking between 1.5-2 L . of water a day Do not snack between meals Weigh yourself every 7-15 days, and not every day looking for help in the family make a varied and balanced diet, avoid fried and battered Use condiments Try to be creative in the kitchen and away from the monotony contributions Avoid calorie no nutritional value (soft drinks, alcohol) Complement the diet with exercise tailored to your state Find a comfortable place to be drilled in an exercise that is enjoyable and variable if you like Get a weight loss between half and one kilo of Once a week is correct achieved the objective is to make a maintenance diet. This step is very important because obesity is a chronic metabolic disorder and patients tend to recover. At this stage it is essential to have close contact with your doctor to be able to go correcting small deviations in weight..

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