Monday, March 7, 2011

Antisocial Attitude

In the case of Shrek, a symptom we see manifested in his behavior when explicit his desire to live alone and isolated in the world. . . I live in a swamp, I'm a terrifying ogre, what I must do to achieve privacy. . .

. The symptom is expressing a conflict: the great need he has to be accepted by others. The symptom protects you from the anxiety caused by his abiding sense of rejection and abandonment by the rest of the world. Used as a defense antisocial attitude. You feel self-conscious and embarrassed by their appearance. The hides an underlying symptom and internal conflict that manifests itself openly, perhaps because for him unconscious. To overcome this and achieve good mental health, it must resolve the symptom. If we use the theory of conceptual graph Triangles system developed by K.

Menninger (1958), Malan (1963, 1976 and 1979) and Molnar (1984) - in the section on Conflict, visualize: a Anxiety / Anxiety (A) a Defenders (D) Feeling of abandonment and rejection Antisocial Attitude: solitude, independence, avoidance emotions, lies in its layers of onion a Need to be accepted by the other a Feelings impulses or a Hidden (I): Donkey, has a symptom that reflects their fear of being alone. Their behavior is highly emotional dependence, as shown when he says. . . I have no friends. . . let me stay, please, please. . . and is expressed anxiety that produces the symptoms through their quackery, complacency, flattery to others, adaptation to the environment not to be left alone even in his background is not desirable, and so on. Like Shrek, he too is aware of the conflict: the fear of loneliness.

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