Thursday, November 1, 2012

Intensive Therapy

In the treatment of critical patients, the humanizao is so important how much to the used medication and instrumental procedures in the work of the nurse. However, a great one is observed valuation of the executed techniques surpassing, the attention to the patient as to be humano1. As Delandes 2004 humanizao represents a set of initiatives that the production of cares in health, capable aims at to conciliate the best available technology with shelter promotion, ethical and cultural respect to the patient, spaces of work favorable to the good exercise technician and the satisfaction of the health professionals and usurios2. The nursing team must give an assistance that exceeds the barriers of the physical care and to promote actions that favor the recovery of the patient, understanding it through its gestures, expressions and words, thus creating an approach between professional, patient and famlia3 humanizadas. So that the nursing professionals can give a humanizada assistance, she is necessary that the condition human being is respected, receiving remuneration joust, adequate conditions of work beyond recognition valorizao4. This study it has for objective to inform to the nursing professionals the positive and negative concept of humanizao and aspects of the assistance of nursing in the Units of Intensive Therapy. Humanizao of the familiar patients and the admission of a patient in the UTI comumente requires a fast intervention, since the patient presents high risk of one instability or more physiological systems, with possible risks to the health, whose life meets in the limit with morte3. Patient negative factors? Fear, anxiety and unreliability, depression, these estressantes factors that the manifest patient during its internment in the UTI are factors that harm or even though they annul the beneficial effect of the intensive treatment and that most of the time these factors could be prevented, if the team that acts in UTI if to keep intent to the first signals of these factors.

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