Tuesday, February 19, 2013

In Brazil

Considering that the consolidation of the Statute of the Aged one in Brazil, in 2003, represents a process to be accomplished by the society, we also search in this analysis to identify to the challenges ranks in the direction to face them, having in sight to fully guarantee the rights of the elderly, change in the model of assistance to the health, valuation of the promotion and prevention to the health, specialized jobs in the integral attention to the aged one. Therefore, it has much that to be made in this field to remove this stigma of oldness from there as health absence, the importance of social chances of insertion of the aged ones, of necessary actions that they guarantee the basic rights that make guideline in the quarrels carried through in all the attendance scopes. These factors point with respect to the necessity to develop specific politics for the aging, demand special attention the formation and the training of human resources in some levels, in special in the health area. In Brazil the speech of aging not if of the one in way uniform for all. The oldness as any stage of the circle of the life is delimited by the insertion of social classroom, for the questions of sort, race and etnia, determining experiences of aging, different in the interior of our society. For this reason to age with dignity is not an individual responsibility, but yes collective responsibility, with creation of

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