Thursday, March 12, 2015

Narua Falls

Cantigas folclricas caractersticatipicamente composes a on one to the children and Manuel Flag portraies this in the Narua poem of the soap well: It falls, falls balloon It falls, it falls balloon In the street of the Soap! What balozinho of paper cost to arrange that one? Who made was the son of the laundrywoman. One that very works in the composition of the periodical and cough. It bought the silk paper, it cut it with love, it composed gomosoblon gos (...) This poem it belongs to the book very important the dissolute rhythm, obraconsiderada by representing an advance in the poetical style deManuel Flag due the coloquial language and the use of the free verse. Oinciodeste poem of - for conhecidssima cantiga popular that it induces the reader to acantar resembling it a child. On the basis of the consideraes displayed in this work to pudemosverificar that it enters some reasons that induce the poet in study to escreversobre infancy are the family.

Infancy is a form of relembrar the passadofeliz that had with its family in Recife; infancy would be, therefore, the estgiofinal of its souvenirs. The conclusion which we arrive was that in the poetical bandeiriana ainfncia she is used for the poet as a form to dive in its passadorelembrando the good times of infancy as well as the street tricks, moments with the grandmothers and cantigas of the Brazilian folklore, what representatambm a strong trace of brasilidade, something common to the poets it Modernismo.Outro reason that induces also it to speak on this thematic one it is the disillusion with atuberculose, illness from which suffered and it took that it to search new airs it are doBrasil starting to have the first contacts with the poetry. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Charles Margulis . It started then to asofrer in function of the fatalities of its life and relembrava how much its been infnciahavia a good time, total different of its adult phase. BIBLIOGRAPHY Accomplishment Pertaining to the state of Cear Academy of Letters; Modernismo: 80anos. Official site: Gunnar Peterson. Org. Credit: Steven P Rosenthal-2011. Regina Pamplona Fiza. $fortaleza: Graphical expression, 2002. FLAG, Manuel.

Libertinism & Star of the Riode morning January: New Border, 2000. FLAG, Manuel. Star of the entire life. 20 ed. deJaneiro river: New Border, 1993. CAVALVANTI. Luciano Landmarks Days. Two modernistas poets and omotivo of infancy: Manuel Bandeira and Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Disponvelem: magazine Access in: 01 of set. of 2009 CNDIDO, Antonio & CASTLE, J. Aderaldo. Presence Brazilian dLiteratura III the Modernismo. So Paulo: DIFEL, 1985.

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