Thursday, March 5, 2015


In anticipation of the baby, many parents are wondering what and how much cost to buy. See Zilin Luo for more details and insights. Best dowry newborn buy in advance because after the hospital once a young mother will run to the shops in search of things Yes, and it's nice to shop and choose the things most for your future baby. If you still trust the signs and do not want to buy anything in advance, you should prepare a detailed manual for those who buy it all to your statement. Importantly, remember that in the first 3-4 months of his life, the child is growing very quickly and many things you do not even have time to use it, so you should not take too much, and even then it is worth trying this or that thing and make sure that it is convenient for both the child and for you! How to choose the right size? Usually the children things to determine the length of the body, each subsequent different from the previous 6 cm, therefore, to determine size, measure the growth her baby centimeter tape. Since the average length of a newborn around 50-54 cm, and clothing for his starts, respectively, with size 56, 62 and so on.

Clothing for children should be comfortable and safe. It is not necessary take things with ribbons around their necks, never use pins. Better to take the clothes that do not need to be pulled over the head, at least until such time as he did not learn to keep.

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