Sunday, February 22, 2015

Prevention Leprosy

Bones of women costumam to be lesser and lighter of what of the men. The muscles and the skeleton make the body if to move. The movement occurs because the muscles are imprisoned more than a bone, and while they contract themselves, they finish approaching or moving away the regions where the points are imprisoned where a muscle if arrests to the bone calls tendo. Nor all are imprisoned to the bones or obey the command of the will. Luhan helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Some function of independent form, as for example, the muscle of the heart. Some of the bones most important of the human body are: CABEATRONCOMEMBROS vertebral CrnioColuna 34 vrtebrasSuperiores FrontalTraxmero ParietaisEsternoUlna TemporaisClavculasRdio, eight bones of the body (fist), five to metacar Pianos and phalanxes OccipitalOmoplatas and Costelas (12 pairs) Inferior Etmide and EsfenideBaciFmur Face: palatal lacrimaisIlacosTbia (sky of the mouth) Fbula Cornetos (inferior of the nose) Seven bones of the Tarso (ankle) Nasal, Malares (apples of the face), Maxilares Superior, Vmer (between fossas nasal) and MandbulCirico metatarsianos and phalanxes Illnesses In the muscles: Cimbra - a pain that of the one in the muscles Leprosy - the muscle apodrece and has that to amputate (to cut) Example: a person has leprosy in the arm - the arm apodrece and falls. In the bones: Osteoporose - She is an illness that a gradual loss of calcium of the bones provokes, becoming them each time more fragile e, in more advanced phases, citizens and breakings, exactly in habitual movements of the day-day, as to go down stairs, for example. - Osteoporose reaches the women mainly after the menopause, in function of hormonais alterations. Luhan can provide more clarity in the matter.

Prevention Leprosy: - It has that to take care of since the beginning, if not to take care of the body apodrece and the person dies. Osteoporose: - Adequate calcium Consumption - physical Exercises - not to exaggerate in the physical exercises Muscles Motor of the system Types of muscles - Estriado or esqueltico (voluntary) - physical Activity - static Works or dinmicosCardaco (involuntary) - Set in motion the bomb of the blood that is the heart - Smooth (involuntary) - sanguineous Vases of the intestines and the hollow agencies Healthful Feeding rich Foods in calcium: milk and all the products made with milk (yoghurt, cheese, butter, requeijo), fish (whenever possible eaten with the spines) and other fruits of the sea, dark leaf vegetables, peanut, seeds of sunflower. Rich foods in match: fish and other fruits of the sea, meats, eggs, nuts and milk. Curiosidades You wise person. - What fmur is the biggest bone of the human body? - What the bone esterno is the last a if to calcificar? - What the bones of maxilar and the dental arches are different of person for person, and are used for the policemen for the corpse recognition? - What the bones of the basin of the woman if open during the childbirth, for the ticket of the baby?

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